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How to write image
You must read your essay at least three times. Why? For what?
First, you need to check your essay in terms of its content:
- whether the writing matches the topic
- the topic is fully or partially disclosed
- are there any logical transitions from the introduction to the main part and from
the main part to the conclusion
- is the reasoning replaced by a banal retelling
- are there quotes from the text of the artwork
- is there a conclusion from all that has been said
- is your attitude towards the written
- whether there are factual, lexical and stylistic errors
Secondly, you need to read the essay and check it from the point of view spelling. When checking, we advise you to write out in the draft those words in the spelling of which you doubt. Think, remember the rules. If allowed by your instructor, check the spelling of these words by spelling dictionary. Third, read the essay in terms of punctuation. Practice
shows that this is a "sore spot" for many students. You are not here no dictionary will help. Practical tip: write out those sentences which you doubt. Find grammar basics, define type of sentence, look at how it is complicated. There is also a second option: replace some complex syntactic designs are more simple.
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